Choice Helper - Decision-Making Made Easy


Are you indecisive or overwhelmed by too many options? Choice Helper is here to make your life simpler! Our app takes the stress out of decision-making by randomly selecting an option for you from a customized list. Whether it's choosing a place to eat, deciding on a movie, or picking the next book to read, Choice Helper has got you covered.

Key Features:

Create Custom Choice Lists: Easily create and manage multiple lists of options for different scenarios or topics.

Random Selection: Tap the "Go" button and let the app work its magic, choosing a random option from your list of candidates. No more second-guessing yourself or wasting time deliberating!

Edit: Modify your lists anytime by adding, deleting.

App picture

Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max Screenshot 0.png

Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max Screenshot 3.png

Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max Screenshot 2.png

Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max Screenshot 1.png

Choice Helper is the perfect tool to bring clarity and simplicity to your decision-making. Download it now and experience the freedom of effortlessly making choices!